The Undead. The First Seven Days

The Undead. The First Seven Days by R R Haywood

Two unlikely heroes: Howie, your hapless but likable Tesco Manager and his underling-become-sidekick Dave, who has some kind of non-descript neurological disorder, hack their way through this very readable zombie-slash fest. Thankfully, what Dave lacks in social skills is made up by being a well trained special forces soldier.  With Dave’s help Howie managed to rise above himself, and together they fight the forever increasing hordes of zombies shambling in their way from the South, to find Howie’s sister in London. It is good fun, perhaps a tad cartoonish – Howie’s weapon of choice is an axe against trillions of zombies…

Having said all that I had to check out at around book 5 – it just got too silly for me. Once zombies start being anything else but brain-dead, flesh-eating anti-humans and develop thought, it is all over for me! Intelligent zombies – don’t be daft. And I am sure the zombie hordes increased to levels that make Bangladesh look sparsely populated. I simply couldn’t face it anymore…

By the way, this used to be cheap as chips but has gone up a couple of pounds since I’ve read it. Still, at under 6 pounds for almost 900 pages of mayhem, it ain’t dear.