
For the woman and her furry companions, the journey was far from over. They had already survived countless dangers – hunger, thirst, and the constant threat of attack from both humans and other creatures that roamed the wasteland. But they refused to give up, to succumb to the despair that threatened to engulf them. Instead, they pressed on with a quiet determination, their bond of loyalty and trust unbroken even in the face of such adversity.

As they walked, the woman felt a sense of purpose that she had never felt before. She had always been a lone wolf, preferring the solitude of her own company to the distractions and complexities of human interaction. But now, with her pack of dogs at her side, she felt a connection that went beyond words, beyond even the barriers of species.

She knew that the road ahead would be long and difficult, that there would be more challenges and dangers waiting for them. But she was determined to face them head on, to protect her dogs and to find a way to survive in a world that had fallen apart at the seams. Together, they pressed on into the unknown, their spirits unbroken, their eyes fixed on the future.

As the sun began to dip below the horizon, the woman and her pack of dogs finally spotted a building on the edge of the road. It was a bar – or what had once been a bar, before the world had ended. The windows were boarded up, and the sign out front was faded and peeling. But to the woman and her dogs, it was a beacon of hope.

She approached the door cautiously, her hand on the handle of her knife just in case. She pushed it open slowly, the creaking of the hinges echoing through the empty building. The bar was dark and silent, the air thick with dust and the smell of stale beer. But the woman could see movement in the shadows…

Zombies at a bar

The scene was surreal – a group of undead creatures, typically known for their mindless hunger for human flesh, now posing for a photograph as if they were regular patrons at a local bar. But perhaps it was a testament to their adaptability, their willingness to find joy in the unlikeliest of places, or their capacity for humor even in the face of their own decay.

Welcome to ZombiesRus

Nothing that a good zombie invation wouldn't put into perspective

Running scared?   Don’t worry…

…read some dystopian fiction to take your mind of this ongoing madness called politics.

Find the crème de la crème of zombie fiction.

I’ve put together a list of some utterly disturbing (great!) zombie books while waiting for ‘The Walking Dead’ to continue… …and the world going back to some kind of sanity.

If you are low on funds and wonder if those free books on Amazon are any good, I struggled through a lot to them. Here is a list of cheap thrills worth having a look at, either free or published for Amazon’s Kindle for peanuts.


Scorched Earth

Scorched Earth

Scorched-earth tactics are a military strategy that destroys all resources that might be useful to the advancing enemy. Why we are destroying our planet with global warming without an enemy in sight is beyond me… Perhaps it is the enemy inside us that drives us? The enemy that is called: greed or fear or simply dumb-ass!

I am an artist, not a writer, but thought about the first line of a dystopian novel:  People embraced the first heatwave in the summer of 2018.

As I said, I am not a writer, but I would start a piece of apocalyptic fiction in the here and now  – the nightmare is already in full swing.

For artwork enquiries please visit my website

Good Cover Design Promo

Are you lost?

Steve Cutts video for Moby ‘Are you lost in a world like me?’

It has been nominated for a Webby award in the film and animation category. If you like it, and how can one not? Vote for it at the Webby Awards I did…

Girls Girls Girls

book cover with girl in the title

Bestselling books with ‘girl’ in the title

The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo, Gone Girl, Girl on the Train, The Girl with all the Gifts, The Girl in the Red Coat, The Girl Who Lied – all been flying off the shelves, or rushing through the download ether. By the way, I have read them all and liked them.

So if you are an author at a loose end, not knowing what to write about, you should think about a young female lead (she doesn’t need to be a heroine, even though I would welcome it, she can be psychologically challenged or simply an alcoholic, even a child will do) and stick ‘girl’ somewhere in the title. And off into bestselling orbit, you should go. Oh, also make sure it is a page turner. The competition is stiff and you’ll be compared with the other ‘girl’ books.

The Girl with all the Gifts book cover
The Girl with all the Gifts book cover

Why do I go on about this on a dystopian blog you might wonder? Well, I wanted to present ‘The Girl with all the Gifts’ by M. R. Carey, one of the best zombie novels ever written. This is the ‘girl’ novel with the apocalyptic fix (you know what I mean), you really ought to read. It is utterly unique and stands head above shoulders in a genre that seems to attract the most talentless of writers.

More notable dystopian ‘girl’ books

Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel
Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel

And while we are on the subject of apocalyptic fiction featuring girls in the lead, the wonderful Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel is another must-read book by an exceptionally gifted writer.

And it is not just me saying it. To prove it, Emily St. John Mandel has a handful of credentials to her name, among them: WINNER OF THE ARTHUR C. CLARKE AWARD 2015, as well as, New York Times Bestseller.

And last but not least, there is my favorite zombie book of all times: The Reapers are the Angels by Alden Bell. I have written a review a while back which you can read here.

If you have written a dystopian, apocalyptic or crime book with or without girl in the title and need a good book cover designer, Jacqueline Abromeit at should be able to help.

Merkel visits Trump

Ha ha ha – her look is priceless. Apart from some funny moments like these, the whole visit was a waste of time.  It is not that we needed another proof of this man’s rudeness and incompetence.

Kate Tempest – Europe is Lost

Kate Tempest fan art

I was so impressed by Kate Tempest performing Europe is lost on the Tonight Show, l took snaps from my telly and did some fan art. It is so rare to see an authentic artist (or anything authentic) performing live on telly, I have almost forgotten what authenticity was. Thanks for reminding me, Kate. Much appreciated!

Walking Dead – Carol and Daryl back together

WD Carol and Daryl fan art

Walking Dead
Jeez, watched episode 10/7 ‘New Best Friends’
Carol really, really needs to snap out of it and Daryl needs a shower. Still, it will happen now that they found each other again.

I don’t know what to say about those Scavengers?

I am stuck! Don’t have Sky and that streaming service which is either legal or illegal (who really knows?) has become unusable. Klicking off tons of porn, while wondering which virus you catch before you could watch an episode of WD has never been much fun, but at least one got there after a while. No more, I’m afraid I haven’t got the patience for ‘Error loading media’ and what have you anymore. Hhmmpfff